From The Heart

From the Heart.

There are the everyday common cleaning activities that we do daily and weekly. The house is clean but not really clean. To get the house really clean, one does what is known as a deep clean, what I mean by that is we take a look at the items we have and if they have not been used in a while, we will remove the items from our house. To deep clean, is to move all the furniture or move it out of the room and do an extensive cleaning of the room from top to bottom and from side to side. Remove all the items from the closet and evaluate what is to be thrown away and what is to be kept.

Revival can be a deep cleaning of our spiritual lives.

In Psalm 139:23, 24 David writes, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

David is asking God to penetrate, to examine in close detail his life. If there is any hint of sin, he is asking God to bring it to light. He is asking God to use his divine nature upon his life that we have been looked in the opening verses of Psalm 139. Try me is to test, to investigate his thoughts. If God finds any sin there, he is asking God to lead him, to guide him for the rest of his life.

We have a great opportunity as Doug McClure comes October 13-16 for God do a deep cleaning of our souls.

Please be in prayer and pray about who you can invite to the revival services.

  • Bro. Kyle